Volunteer Information

Steps to becoming a volunteer:

1. Submit an application and create a log-in account. 

2. Submit your background check information and complete your Safe and Sacred Training. 

3. Complete CCI's training on volunteering, refugees, and healthy boundaries. 

4. Wait to hear from the Volunteer Coordinator for placement information and volunteer verification. 

5. Sign up for volunteer opportunities and reach out to your placements! 


During your volunteer experience:

1. Depending on the project, it will have a time commitment (one semester, three months, etc. ). Be aware of these commitments, so you can be prepared to help invest in the team and newcomers as much as possible. 

2. Reach out to the Volunteer Coordinator (Jana at jbucher@archindy.org) with any questions, concerns, or stories! We are here to support you, and give you a growing volunteering experience. 

3. Track your hours through your Volunteer Portal. Go to your profile after each volunteer service project, and log what you have completed. Place the volunteer service under the appropriate category, and calculate for how long you were assisting a newcomer family or CCI project! Include travel time and preparation time. 

For each tracked hour, our refugees receive grant benefits, through a Matching Grant program. We are grateful for the volunteers that put in hours to build relationships and support the refugees, and also support refugees financially through their volunteer hours.